
How to write an infographic for effective sales


Admit it, you came here for the pictures. Most people do, even if they don't realise it. Infographics are so effective because they provide the visual stimulation people crave alongside the clear facts and information they need for sustained interest. But infographics are more than just pretty pictures and charts; they're a powerful tool for effective communication, especially in the world of sales.

This guide will teach you how to create compelling infographics that sell, using engaging copy that guides the reader through the imagery and information, delivering it in short, sharp, and simple chunks to capture attention and spark curiosity. And because infographics are both informative and persuasive, they can be an invaluable asset for any sales team.

Making Your infographic copy pop

Infographics are a powerful tool for communicating complex information in an easily digestible format. But when it comes to sales infographics, it's not just about the visuals; it's also about the copy. Your copy is what guides your audience through the infographic, highlighting the key benefits of your product or service.

To create truly effective sales infographic copy, you need to incorporate these key ingredients:

  • Clarity: Your copy should be crystal clear and easy to understand. Avoid jargon or technical terms that might confuse your audience. Use simple, straightforward language that gets straight to the point.
  • Conciseness: Infographics are about brevity. Keep your sentences and paragraphs brief, focusing on the most critical information. Don't bog your audience down with unnecessary details.
  • Visual harmony: Your copy should complement the visual elements of your infographic. Use colours, fonts, and layout to create a cohesive and visually appealing experience. The copy should blend seamlessly with the visuals, enhancing the aesthetic appeal.
  • Engagement: Your copy should grab your audience's attention and hold it until the end. Use storytelling techniques, compelling facts and statistics, or thought-provoking questions to engage your audience. Make your infographic memorable and impactful by sparking curiosity or creating an emotional connection.

Know your audience

Effective sales infographics start with understanding your target audience. You can craft compelling copy that resonates with their specific context and communication style by delving into their needs, preferences, and expectations.

  • Content tailoring: Tailor your content to match the audience's understanding level. If they're familiar with industry jargon, use it sparingly; if not, use plain language and avoid technical terms.
  • Tone and style: Match your writing style to the audience's expectations. For a casual audience, use a more conversational tone; for a professional audience, adopt a more formal approach.
  • Challenge norms: If you want your content to stand out, break away from the traditional approach with creative copy that cuts through the noise - just make sure it stands out for the right reasons.

Underpinning your infographic with research

Thorough research is the cornerstone of effective infographic copywriting, especially in the context of sales. By gathering compelling, accurate, and trustworthy statistics and facts, you can build a strong foundation for your infographic's message and establish credibility as a thought leader.

Planning your content

Before diving into research, it's essential to plan your content strategy. This involves understanding your audience's interests, pain points, and decision-making processes. What are the key challenges they face? What are they looking for in a solution? Once you clearly understand their needs, you can start identifying relevant statistics and facts that will resonate with them.

Identifying trustworthy sources

The credibility of your infographic hinges on the quality of your sources. Prioritise reputable and reliable sources that are recognised experts in your field. Academic journals, government publications, and respected industry reports are excellent starting points. Avoid using biased or unreliable sources, as this could undermine the credibility of your content.

Fact-checking and verification

Even with reputable sources, it's crucial to cross-reference facts and statistics from multiple sources to ensure accuracy. This involves comparing data from different sources, checking for discrepancies, and identifying potential errors. By verifying your findings, you can maintain the integrity of your infographic and build trust with your audience.

Choosing relevant and impactful data

Not all data is created equal. When selecting statistics and facts for your infographic, prioritise those that are both relevant and impactful to your audience. Avoid including data that is simply interesting but doesn't directly support your message or address your audience's needs. Instead, focus on data that highlights the benefits of your product or service and demonstrates the value it brings to your target audience.

Headlines and subheadings

Headlines and subheadings serve as signposts in your infographic, guiding your audience through the content and highlighting key points.


  • Grab attention and entice curiosity: Your headline should be the first thing your readers see, so make sure it's attention-grabbing and enticing. Use strong, action-oriented words or pose intriguing questions to pique their interest.
  • Provide a clear benefit or value proposition: Your headline should clearly communicate why your audience should read your infographic. Tell them what they will learn, what they will gain, or how they will improve their lives or businesses.
  • Balance impact with conciseness: Your headline should be short and memorable but provide enough information to entice your audience to continue reading.


  • Provide additional information and entice the reader to continue reading: Subheadings serve as mini-headlines that break up the text and make scanning and navigating your infographic easier. They should provide further context for the information in the body copy and encourage your audience to keep reading.
  • Create a logical flow and structure within your content: Subheadings can help you organise your thoughts and create a clear structure for your infographic. They can also help your audience follow your infographic's narrative.

Remember, your headlines and subheadings aim to grab attention, provide value, and guide your readers through your infographic.

Example Infographic pages 1-2

Writing informative and engaging body copy

The body copy of your sales infographic is where you highlight the key details and information crucial for selling your product or service. Striking the right balance between informative content and engaging delivery is essential to maintain the interest of potential customers.

Balancing information and engagement

  • Focus on relevant and impactful details: It's important to concentrate on information that directly showcases your product or service's benefits and unique selling points. Avoid overwhelming your audience with too much technical detail. Instead, highlight features that solve specific problems or meet the identified needs of your target market.
  • Use of persuasive data and visuals: Include charts, graphs, and infographics to present data that supports your value proposition. Visuals are particularly effective in sales as they can quickly convey the advantages of your product or service, making the information more digestible and memorable.
  • Storytelling to illustrate benefits: Incorporate storytelling elements that connect the features of your product or service with real-world benefits. This approach helps potential customers visualise how your selling could impact their lives or businesses.

Keeping it simple and straightforward for sales audiences

  • Accessibility and clarity: Sales infographic copy should cater to a broad audience, including those unfamiliar with your industry's jargon. Use clear, straightforward language to explain how your product or service works and why it's beneficial.
  • Breaking down complex ideas: If your product or service involves complex concepts, break them into easy-to-understand segments. This approach helps demystify your offering and makes it more approachable for all potential customers.
  • Logical flow and order: Organise your content logically, guiding the reader through the benefits and features. This helps build a persuasive narrative that leads to your call to action.
Example infographic pages 3-4

Calls to action (CTAs) in sales infographics

Calls to action (CTAs) are a pivotal element in sales infographics, directly linking customer engagement and sales conversion.

The Importance of a Strong Call to Action in Sales

  • Directing potential customers: A well-crafted CTA in a sales infographic is crucial for guiding potential customers toward purchasing or taking the next step in the sales process. It should be clear and concise, explicitly stating what action you want the audience to take.
  • Tailoring to sales objectives: Whether the action is contacting a sales representative, scheduling a demo, or visiting a product page, the CTA should align with your primary sales objectives. It's not just about increasing web traffic or social media engagement; it's about driving sales conversions.
  • Urgency and incentive: In a sales context, your CTA should create a sense of urgency or offer an incentive. Phrases like "Buy now and save," "Schedule your free consultation today," or "Limited time offer" encourage immediate action and can increase the effectiveness of your sales pitch.

Best practices for writing sales-focused calls to action

  • Visibility and clarity: Ensure your CTA stands out visually within the infographic. Use colours, fonts, or design elements that draw attention to your CTA, making it impossible for viewers to miss.
  • Action-oriented language: Use strong, actionable verbs that motivate the audience to take the next step. Words like "Discover," "Get started," "Learn more," or "Join us" can be very effective.
  • Benefit-oriented approach: Highlight the benefits the customer will receive by taking the action. This approach taps into the audience's self-interest and can be more persuasive than a simple directive.
  • Keep it simple: Avoid overcomplicating your CTA with too many options or complex language. A straightforward, easy-to-understand CTA is more likely to result in action.

By focusing your infographic's call to action on sales-related outcomes, you can significantly enhance its effectiveness as a sales tool. A compelling CTA can be the difference between a viewer and a customer, making it a crucial component of your sales strategy.

Introducing AXD Agency

As you've seen, infographics are not just a creative flair but a strategic tool essential for enhancing your B2B sales strategy. At AXD Agency, we specialise in bringing the power of infographics to amplify your sales and marketing efforts. Our expertise lies in creating visually appealing, informative, and impactful infographics that communicate your message effectively and resonate with your target audience.

Ready to transform your sales strategy?

If you're looking to integrate infographics into your sales strategy or want to discuss further how we can assist in upgrading your sales content, don't hesitate to contact us at AXD Agency.

Let's work together to create content that informs, inspires, and converts.

Great content sets the best brands apart. Let's make you one of them.

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