Edtech Startup

How we helped an edtech company generate a pipeline of 40 leads a month from 20,000 unique monthly visitors within 12 months.

The Challenge

Our founding team met while working at B2B learning platform OneFile, leading the sales and marketing functions. When they joined, the company benefited from a great product but was one of many players in a competitive market.

Content marketing and SEO was the chosen strategy to position OneFile as market leaders, knowledge leaders, and a company filled with education expertise.

We were the dream team for the job with education and technology backgrounds.

The Approach

Our primary objective was to increase organic search user acquisition through content creation and optimisation. The market was complex, so we set up a research team and process to gather information from sector professionals and existing customers. Our strategy was to support their information searches with content marketing, make Onefile the go-to place for sector knowledge, and improve Onefile's overall product and service communication.

At a high level, this is what we did:


  1. We optimised website performance for users - focussing on speed and user experience.
  2. We identified opportunities to rank on high volume, lower competition search queries, selecting six topic clusters to cover.
  3. We created high-quality content releasing up to five weekly articles to increase our keyword relevance fast.
  4. We focussed on building links from customers and niche news sites through research reports, insights, award entries and the PR following award victories.
  5. We started a user community to support content distribution and an annual events series with hundreds of attendees. The event content allowed us to create more high-quality pieces of content, building our audience further and broader.
  6. We kept content updated and built links within our site to amplify traffic to topic clusters.
  7. We were proactive in writing about legislative and regulation changes, becoming a trusted information source for our market when uncertainty was prevalent.

The Results

During our time at OneFile, we built a hub of over 750 articles, which resulted in the following:

MONTHLY VISITS - 20,000+ unique organic visits per month

TOTAL IMPRESSIONS - 1,000,000+ total impressions in search results

UNIQUE LINKS - 3,500+ total unique links

NEWSLETTER LIST - 4000+ subscribers

LEADS - 40 new leads per month

ROI - in 2019 we achieved a return on investment of 650%

A chart showing website traffic growth from 2004 to 2019

Great content sets the best brands apart. Let's make you one of them.

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